Image Handling

DataBridge offers robust support for working with images. This guide demonstrates how to ingest, retrieve, and work with image documents in DataBridge.

Ingesting Images

You can ingest images just like any other file, using the ingest_file method:

from databridge.sync import DataBridge

with DataBridge() as db:
    # Ingest an image file
    doc = db.ingest_file(
            "type": "image",
            "subject": "architecture",
            "project": "office building",
            "description": "Floor plan for second floor"
    print(f"Image ingested with ID: {doc.external_id}")

Ingesting Images from Memory

You can also ingest images directly from memory:

from PIL import Image
import io

# Open an image with PIL
image ="diagram.png")

# Convert to bytes
buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
image_bytes = buffer.getvalue()

# Ingest the image bytes
doc = db.ingest_file(
    metadata={"type": "image"}

Retrieving Images

When you retrieve chunks that contain images, the content field of each FinalChunkResult object will be a PILImage object for image chunks:

from PIL.Image import Image as PILImage

# Search for images
chunks = db.retrieve_chunks(
    "floor plan diagram",
    filters={"type": "image"}

# Process the results
for chunk in chunks:
    print(f"Score: {chunk.score}")
    print(f"Document ID: {chunk.document_id}")
    # Check if the content is an image
    if isinstance(chunk.content, PILImage):
        # It's an image - you can work with it using PIL
        print(f"Image size: {chunk.content.size}")
        # Display the image (if in a notebook or GUI environment)
        # Save the image"retrieved_image_{chunk.document_id}.png")
        # It's text content

Multimodal Queries

DataBridge supports multimodal queries, where you can search for images based on text descriptions:

# Find images that match a text description
chunks = db.retrieve_chunks(
    "architectural diagrams with open floor plans",
    filters={"type": "image"},
    use_colpali=True  # Use ColPali for better text-to-image matching

Image Processing Examples

Example 1: Display Images in a Grid

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Retrieve images
chunks = db.retrieve_chunks("architectural diagrams", filters={"type": "image"}, k=4)

# Set up a grid display
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
axes = axes.flatten()

for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
    if isinstance(chunk.content, PILImage) and i < 4:
        axes[i].set_title(f"Score: {chunk.score:.2f}")


Example 2: Filter Images by Size

# Retrieve images
chunks = db.retrieve_chunks("architectural diagrams", filters={"type": "image"}, k=10)

# Filter for large images only
large_images = []
for chunk in chunks:
    if isinstance(chunk.content, PILImage):
        width, height = chunk.content.size
        if width >= 1000 and height >= 1000:

print(f"Found {len(large_images)} large images")

Example 3: Converting Images

# Convert color images to grayscale
for chunk in chunks:
    if isinstance(chunk.content, PILImage):
        # Convert to grayscale
        grayscale = chunk.content.convert('L')
        # Save the grayscale version"grayscale_{chunk.document_id}.png")

Best Practices for Images

  1. Metadata: Always include descriptive metadata with images to improve search accuracy.
metadata = {
    "type": "image",
    "format": "png",
    "subject": "architecture",
    "description": "Detailed floor plan for the second floor of the office building",
    "author": "Jane Smith",
    "date_created": "2023-05-15"
  1. Use ColPali: Set use_colpali=True when ingesting and retrieving images for best results.

  2. Image Size: Be aware of image sizes when retrieving many images to avoid memory issues.

# Resize large images to save memory
for chunk in chunks:
    if isinstance(chunk.content, PILImage):
        # Check if image is very large
        if chunk.content.width > 2000 or chunk.content.height > 2000:
            # Resize to reasonable dimensions
            chunk.content.thumbnail((1000, 1000))
  1. Batch Processing: When working with many images, process them in batches.
# Process images in batches
batch_size = 5
for i in range(0, len(document_ids), batch_size):
    batch_ids = document_ids[i:i+batch_size]
    # Process each batch
    for doc_id in batch_ids:
        doc = db.get_document(doc_id)
        # Process document...